Saturday, July 19, 2008

Donald Rumsfeld: The one who can cloud in a second

We live in a time where what matters is not necessarily the truth but something that could be close enough to the truth so that people would buy it - at least for a while. Therefore, much of the kind of communication which we deal with everyday, is strategic rather than genuine. As a result of this, organizations and corporations don’t say what they really think; they say what they think can make them look good. In other words, these days we are not used to hearing people lie so unashamedly but we have become very accustomed to hearing a special language which is called spin.

Spin is about assuring that the product, policy or person you have been hired to promote is positively perceived by the Media. In public relations, not only spin is about reputation management but also is about persuading people to agree with a point of view, hopefully, because the PR person believes that his/her point of view is actually based on logic and facts and its true!

Spin can be assumed as a ‘practice of eloquence’ or 'an alternative way to telling and writing lies'. Though in this case, to put it simply, spin is synonymous with distorting, lying and confusing which Donald Rumsfeld, undeniably has been the poster boy. Watch this:

That is called the art of replying to a question without even going close to answering it or the deliberate shading of news perception: Spin.



faithful forever said...

Interesting choice of pen name; Conglomerate. When I say that word, conglomerate, I hear such an aggressive-sounding word and gluttony beyond compare. The mainstream media is so complicit in creating the condition (apostacy) we are in now. Media has been used as a powerful tool by satan to lull the masses to a semi-consciencious state. I believe hypnotic and sublimal messages are portrayed all the time for the sole (unintentional play on words, but it surely fits well, doesn't it?), the sole purpose of furthering their agenda with the least resistance. People have become so reliant upon the media to tell them what they should think, that they can no loner think for themselves.

If, and it will never happen, but if msm were to make an announcement about 911 being an inside job, people would suddenly believe that indeed it was an inside job after years of denying what their own eyes have seen. Because they have believed the lie, they cannot see the lies that are so flagrantly displayed by the likes of Rumsfeld. Many times when watching this man on television he gave me the almost uncontrollable desire to laugh and I would have but the situation at hand was just too serious. And still is.

I really enjoyed reading this post and having the opportunity to vent a little bit. I have read so many studies where people's lives are improved by removing or turning of the tv in their homes and this proves what a tool of the devil it is for who likes hate, lies, violence, deception and control more than the wicked one, and this is almost entirely what we get from the msm.

I give thanks and praise for all those who have not been deceived by their lies for it is only by the grace of God. Keep the truth on the march my brother Ali and keep fighting the good fight.

You are a blessing and I am indeed holding you in my prayers to keep this faith.

faithful forever said...

Wanted to share a good site:

Now that I can post you may never get rid of me, you know that don't you?! Our culture of faith...a small miracle and a huge blessing from God. I give thanks and praise.

Anonymous said...

your article speaks the truth my friend but why give spin such a negative connotation when it can be used effectively without outstepping moral bounds. it is true that today the art of spin has been perfected as with our friend Rumsfeld but dont you think it could be used in a positive light to prevent harm rather than shade wrong doings?

faithful forever said...

It could be used like that, but it seldom is. There are a few good truth programs on Link TV, PBS and Free Speech TV, but nowhere on mainstream media in my opinion. I certainly don't see much truth or fact in msm.

Ali said...

Dear FF,

You exactly echoed the same spirit. Regrettably, this kind of rhetorical language -also known as sophistry- remains at the heart of advertising and political campaigning today.

FF, I am so blissful that we are also having you here.

My Dear Friend Toni,

Plato believed some things were true or false. For example, 12 x 12 = 144. Nothing can change this act, which is immutable and universal. Aristotle too rejected the Sophist assumption that argument is manipulating words and people to win arguments and not to find truth. In his work, On Rhetoric, he says " rhetoric is the counterpart of dialectic -- discussion and reasoning by conversation in which opposing arguments are pitted against one another to find truth and expose falsehood ".

Aristotle grasped the concept of credibility and its importance, but he was clear-eyed about it. He understood that a rhetorician could still be a spinmeister And, in a rebuke to a notion of mass media, he understood where communications effectiveness lies – with listeners and not with message senders.

Thats why I think we should ask ourselves what has happened to us?


faithful forever said...

Conglomerate, you are too kind. I had a thought and wanted to quick share it; television gives a whole new meaning to the saying 'think outside the box.' This is what you have to do when discerning the truth from fiction.

Keep thinking outside the box my friend.

Warm regards.

Ali said...


That's again the same reflection of one idea. I think what the spin culture did, most visibly, was to draw people's attention to the vacuity that is in the heart of politics as well as in other institutions such as MSM and in working life.

People should kick out the spin culture from all the aspects of their life. Thats enough of this smoke and mirror culture. People everywhere regardless of their ethnicity, religion and gender are hungry for meaning and ideologies and they'll enjoy such arguments.
